Membership of the organization is in four categories:
Shall be open to all sympathizers of the organization and such other individuals who are interested in alleviating Social, Economic, Health, Environmental and Other related problems of the people of Tororo and Uganda in general.
Shall be open to all properly registered organizations, associations and voluntary social, economic, health and environmental and related agencies engaged in ensuring improved livelihoods, health and environment in Tororo and Uganda.
Shall be open to all individuals, Association and voluntary social, economic, health and environmental agencies in or outside the country.
Shall be composed of founder members of the Organization, and restricted to individuals with outstanding contributions to the Organization, such persons shall be nominated by the executive committee and ratified by the board members.
Full Members shall:-
- Participate fully in the proceedings and activities of the Organization;
- Elect or be elected to any organ of the organization;
- Make use of the facilities of the organization as shall be prescribed from time to time by the executive committee.
- Express their opinions in any proper manner;
- Meet their financial obligations as shall be determined from time to time by the general assembly;
- Be elected or nominated as representative in any of the organization’s understandings;
- Be registered in the register of the organization
- Demand that those elected in position of responsibility, report back to the community and give good reasons for all their actions, decisions and activities.
- Be tolerant and accept other people’s divergent views.
Associate members shall: –
- Participate fully in the proceeding and activities of the organization, and shall have voting rights;
- Express their opinions in any appropriate manner;
- Meet their financial obligations to the organization as shall be determined from time to time by the Board members;
Abide by the letter and spirit of this constitution.
(a) The organization may by a resolution of the Board members require a member to temporally or permanently withdraw from membership, if the conduct of such a member damages the dignity and reputation of the organization, and/or deemed adverse to the smooth running of the organization;
(b) A member who fails to meet his/her financial obligation one-year after it is due, shall have his/her membership terminated and his/her name struck off the register of the members of the organization.
The executive committee shall have powers to reinstate such a one on payment of the outstanding dues;
(c) A member may resign after giving a one month written notice to the chairperson of the executive committee.
(d) Save as otherwise stated in this constitution, all members whose membership is terminated shall have the right to appeal in the Board meeting through the standing committee on discipline and arbitration.
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